Dr Nabeel Luqmani

MBChB, FRACGP, MRCGP, MRCOphth, BSc (Psychology)

Dr Nabeel Luqmani obtained his medical degree from Bristol University, England in 2004. Prior to that he completed a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from the same university. He undertook training as a General Practitioner in England, which he completed in 2010.

Within General Practice he has a special interest in ophthalmology (diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders). He completed 3 years of postgraduate study in this field, gaining membership to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK) in 2010. He has been practising in Australia as a GP since 2011. He speaks English, German and Urdu/Hindi fluently.

Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his wife and three young children, and also enjoys kite-surfing and oil-painting.

Dr Nabeel Luqmani works at the following centres