Dr. Akshay Wadegaonkar


Dr Akshay Wadegaonkar is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) and has finished his Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP).

He completed his primary medical degree at Nagpur University, India, before moving to the UK to work as a hospital surgical resident and paediatric resident at Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust. He then moved to Australia for the GP Training Program that was completed in Queensland.

Working in Queensland he has developed an interest in skin treatments, to combat the high prevalence of skin cancers and also further develop his knowledge in cosmetic procedures. His studies includes completion of the Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine by HealthCert and Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Surgery through the University of Queensland. He is also currently studying Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine with HealthCert for advanced skin therapies including lasers and injectables.

Dr Akshay Wadegaonkar also has a keen focus on holistic health approaches for the whole family, promoting nutrition and lifestyle choices as a method of preventative health. Training with the Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine positions and also the Institute of Functional Medicine (USA) positions him uniquely to provide these Integrative and Functional Medicine services in the vicinity of Ringwood and the eastern suburbs. He is also currently working towards completion of Fellowship of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (FACNEM).

His other studies include a Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from Children's Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney, NSW.

Outside Medicine, he has interests in painting, primarily working with watercolours, and has exhibited works at various galleries in regional Queensland. While living in Kingaroy, he co-founded The Soup Kitchen of Kingaroy, a community art group. He also practices and teaches Yoga, the ancient art of meditation and has done so for more than 20 years. He is also an avid fan of movies and has written blogs on movie critiquing in the past.

Dr. Akshay Wadegaonkar works at the following centres